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President: Mr. I Broom

Vice Presidents: Mr. B. Bastow, Mrs B. Bastow, Mr. A. Bowden, and Mrs. J Farley.

Chairman: Richard Tribe.

Vice Chairman: Sharon Shenton.

Secretary: Mike Farley.

Assistant Secretary: Beverley Good.

Assistant Secretary: Sean O Donoghue

Press Secretary: Richard Farman.

Treasurer: Beverley Stone-Parker.

Committee: John Arris, Michelle Bassi, Phil Bastow, Beverley Good, Lee Hargreaves, Mark Hills, Neil Luscombe, Keith Masters,Tom O’Donoghue, Jo Harris, Dave Rowles, Dave Perry, Kev Relland, Lorrinda Spear, Phil Spear, Zoe Spear, Rose Heard, Darren Gray. Karan Vaughan & Steve Benjamin.