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Player Games Average
Andy Houghton (M)
The Mixers
8 44.00
Barbara Nichols (F)
The Mixers
5 43.80
Derek Saunders (M)
The Mixers
3 43.33
Mary Hall (F)
The Mixers
7 42.14
Roy Willett (M)
The Mixers
6 41.83
Elwyn Harrison (M)
The Mixers
8 41.63
John Mattock (M)
The Mixers
7 41.29
Juliet Mattock (F)
The Mixers
6 41.00
Joan Saunders (F)
The Mixers
6 40.83
Pauline Houghton (F)
The Mixers
6 40.83
Jan Mountford (F)
The Mixers
6 40.17
Margaret Jenkin (F)
The Mixers
2 40.00